Tuesday, February 3, 2015


State/City: Karnataka, Belgaum
SSB Center & Course: Bangaluru 37th NCC Special entry

♦ The Lt. Col. Deol Minerva Academy is one of the most beautiful place on the earth. In other word I can say it is heaven on earth. Academy has oceans of knowledge where everyone can get the opportunity. The most loving thing in the academy is AUDITURIUM. The national flag which as the center of the hall it gives the honor & price. It gives the feeling to serve the nation.

♦ I am totally changed now I can say that I can become an officer in the armed force. The fear which was at very high in the sky, it is now down to the earth. The confidence which I got from the faculty is best in the world. I can bet no one in India can give this type of coaching.

♦ The academy infrastructure is excellent. It gives the feeling as we are staying in the armed force academy, i.e. NDA, IMA, OTA, AFA, etc. the living and another thing i.e. hospitality is excellent.

♦ Before joining the academy, my confidence level was 0%. The day when I joined and learnt about the SSB it was most exciting movement. Now my confidence level is high I can face any of the chap in the SSB. I have made right choice to join the academy.

♦ Yes, I would like the recommend the academy for other aspirants.

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